Handcrafted Flower Remedy

Handcrafted Flower Remedy


Flower remedies are based on the principles of simplicity and self-healing. Each essence communicates through a unique high vibration that stimulates our emotional and mental self-healing forces. They assist with emotional imbalances such as: anxiety, stress, anger, trauma, depression, lack of self-confidence and self-worth. And are soothing during major transitions like: divorce, loss of a loved one, homesickness, job change, and pregnancy.

With flower remedies we are not looking at the symptoms you are experiencing, but at your emotional state. This is based on the mind - body connection. That the state of the mind influences the state of the body. Each essence treats* a different state or archetypal behavioral pattern. By using flower remedies, we are not treating any illness directly, but we are bringing balance and harmony to the mind, which allows the body to follow.

How to Order

To order your personalized custom blended remedy, please fill out the form that appears when you select add to cart. This form may seem lengthy, but just through the process of reflecting on your current situation and challenges, you are already bringing awareness to your patterns and beginning to create lasting transformation. The form includes both free-form questions and check boxes. Include as much information as you are comfortable providing. Your honesty is essential. We are all here having a human experience and that includes the full spectrum of emotions. Take this time to set any judgments of your emotions or behavior as being ‘good or bad’ to the side, and just be fully open about what you are currently experiencing. Please know that all information given will be kept secure and not shared with any third parties.

What is Included

  • a custom blend of Bach flower essences, preserved in spring water and a touch of brandy. Each 1oz bottle lasts for 3-4 weeks and can be taken directly on the tongue or diluted in your water or tea.

  • a small muslin bag to carry your remedy

* Since flower remedies produce no side effects, they are compatible with all forms of therapy and are not a replacement for medical treatment.

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