Flower Remedies


“Disease is solely and purely corrective. it is neither vindictive nor cruel, but it is the means adopted by our Souls to hinder us from doing more harm and to bring us back to that path of truth and light from which we should never have strayed.” 

- Edward Bach


Flower Essences are here to help transform our old patterns and bring more joy and lightness into our lives.

Flower remedies are based on the principles of simplicity and self-healing, and carry, from the world of plants, messages to help us deepen our trust in our inner voice and remember our true nature. Each essence communicates through a unique high vibration that stimulates our emotional and mental self-healing forces. They assist with emotional imbalances such as: anxiety, stress, anger, trauma, depression, lack of self-confidence and self-worth. And are soothing during major transitions like: divorce, loss of a loved one, homesickness, job change, and pregnancy.


How Remedies Work

With flower remedies we are not looking at the symptoms you are experiencing, but at your emotional state. This is based on the mind - body connection. That the state of the mind influences the state of the body. Each essence treats* a different state or archetypal behavioral pattern. By using flower remedies, we are not treating any illness directly, but we are bringing balance and harmony to the mind, which allows the body to follow. Since flower remedies produce no side effects, they are compatible with all forms of therapy and are not a replacement for medical treatment.


All Healing is self-healing

The body has a natural intelligence and wonderful ability to heal, and I hold the belief that we are all our own healers. Even in the depth of my own experience with illness, when mentally I wanted to give up, the body’s intelligence kept going. It gave me clear directions to rest, and out of that rest came reflection, letting go, seeking out practitioners who could support me, and a much deeper connection to my body & intuition. I share this system with others to help empower them to listen to their own intuitive voice, their body, and ultimately to move back into a balanced state of being.


handcrafted flower remedy
Each remedy is a unique blend of flower essences selected to offer you the most personalized support.
+ contains: organic, wild-harvested Bach flower essences, spring water & a little brandy.
+ how to use: take four drops 4x a days on the tongue or in water, or more often as needed.
Click here to learn more and order your custom blend.

consultation + handcrafted flower remedy
If you are looking for 1:1 support, a consultation offers a warm welcoming space to go deeper into your specific patterns. These sessions run about 60 min and can be done online or in person at my Brattleboro, VT home.
+ during a consultation we will: look at what you are currently experiencing, review areas of tension or challenge, and select what flower essences will best support you.
+ each personalized remedy contains: a blend of organic, wild-harvested Bach flower essences, spring water & a little brandy.
+ how to use: take four drops 4x a days on the tongue or in water, or more often as needed. Each remedy last 3-4 weeks.
*I deeply believe in creating offerings that are accessible for all so I keep 3 slots open each month for donation based payment.


*Vale Burns does not offer medical or psychological advice. The claims for these products is based on traditional homeopathic practice. They have not been reviewed by the FDA.