inner voice sessions
Transformation doesn’t always happen overnight. It is often a process of learning how to surrender and trust in your intuition, allowing it to guide you into the unknown. Through inner voice sessions you deepen your connection to your intuition, release what is no longer serving you, and uncover your most authentic and sovereign self.
Your inner voice is the peaceful, joyful, and loving essence within you.
Often we feel like we can’t hear or feel it. Maybe you believe that you don’t even have one! This is because our thoughts have come to feel more real to us than this deeper knowing. Most of us have come to rely on our minds for all the answers, overlooking our true inner guidance system. An inner voice session provides a space for the mind to quiet and your intuition to come through louder and clearer.
What a session looks like
You will be guided through a process of connecting with your body and your breath. This method forms the basis of accessing your inner voice and unblocking, so after our session you will know how to tap into this wisdom anytime on your own along with how to release stuck emotions.
Each session is guided by your inner voice and will look different depending on what will best serve you. This may include:
+ focusing on breathwork and deepening the connection to your body
+ releasing pockets of emotional energy and tension that have been held in the body
+ asking questions of your inner teacher to gain greater clarity or direction
+ building trust and resonance between the mind and intuition
+ receiving guidance around life challenges that you are facing
+ deep channeling of your higher consciousness
inner voice session
during this classic 90 min session, we can go into a variety of topics that may be feeling challenging at the moment, such as: career & finances, relationships, health, grief & loss, global issues. The longer time allows you to deepen into your inner voice and settle in the frequency of this connection. These sessions are offered online via zoom and you will receive the recording.
mini inner voice session
30 min session. Perfect for focusing on one topic / question that you are seeking clarity around, along with releasing any stuck energy around it. There is an option if you are local (Brattleboro, VT) for an in person session or it can be done via zoom and you will receive a recording.
+ a handcrafted flower remedy
$15 + shipping
A remedy can be added to any session. Flower essences communicate through unique vibrations that stimulates our emotional and mental self-healing forces. They assist with imbalances such as: anxiety, stress, anger, trauma, depression, lack of self-confidence and self-worth. And offer gentle support through times of change: divorce, loss of a loved one, homesickness, job change, and pregnancy. Remedies are taken 4x a day & each 1oz bottle will last approximately 3-4 weeks. To read more about flower remedies click here.
“My inner voice session with vale was incredible. i didn’t thoroughly know what to expect, but she lovingly guided me through the process and what it looked like. I have to note that her voice is beyond soothing and put my anxieties to ease very quickly! The questions that were asked of my higher self were well-directed... she intuitively picked pieces of the answers out to dive deeper into, whether it was visualizations or the way something was phrased that she thought could hold more insight.”
“Vale is very skilled at leading you deep into the space of your inner voice. She is a warm and supportive presence through the entire process. In just one session I released three waves of powerful emotional blocks that had been holding me back from really receiving the love and abundance that is flowing into my life. Thank you Vale!”
“This session with Vale helped me become aware of deeper parts of myself that need attention and want to be heard. I am grateful for her gentle guidance, throughout.”
“This inner voice session was the piece of work I needed in order to move forward through a big shift in my life and awareness of myself. I know my work will continue moving forward, but this session has given me an opportunity to know, without a doubt, that I can and will heal. So grateful and so excited to continue on my path. ”
Have additional questions or are looking for more resources?